[Wolves] Adding a new hard drive

Howard Berry howard at berry-loubaud.com
Tue Mar 10 15:25:01 UTC 2009

Hello All,
I have been quite happy using Ubuntu so that I decided to get rid of XP .
This was precipitated by the fact that I was also running out of disk space.
Now I have been given some work to do using Sage and "Microsaft" Office. So
I will have to put XP back. I have bought another hard drive and propose to
move the current drive with Ubuntu on to the subsiduary bay so that I can
install Windows where it will be happiest on the first hard drive.
What I want to know is how I can get Ubuntu to put a new GRUB on the first
hard drive without having to re install Ubuntu. Will I need to get rid of
the old GRUB MBR?
I suppose there is info somewhere on this, but you may be able to give me
the griff straight away!
Howard Berry

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