[Wolves] CrunchBang (Ubuntu) Help

dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Thu Mar 19 09:59:21 UTC 2009

Alan Pope wrote:
> Working as designed. They both have graphical network management
> components which are mutually exclusive. The package manager will of
> course have informed you of this before you allowed it to happen. :)
Yep, although I assumed (Which makes an Ass out of U and Me) that Wicd would kick in automatically Doh!

>> 1. How the hell do I get the daemon to load at start up? To my horror I
>> discovered there is no such thing as;
>> peter~ chkconfig wicd on
> It will startup by default when you boot.

Mine don't  :-(

> 5th hit on google for "wicd and ubuntu":-
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD
>> 2. How do I get the network icon to appear automatically on the panel? I
>> don't want to keep navigating to the .py file and running that manually too.
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WICD "Adding they tray icon"
>> gnome-network was refusing to connect to my WIFI at home and I know Wicd
>> does under Arch so I figured that would be the way for me.
> Yeah, I have a laptop that refuses to connect with NM but WICD works.
> Cheers,
> Al.

Cheers Al

If all works you'll get another cheers :-)

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