[Wolves] Fwd: [SC.LUG] 3 Strike Petition

Kris Douglas krisdouglas at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 00:15:24 UTC 2009

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Simon Ward <simon at bleah.co.uk>
Date: 2009/11/25
Subject: [SC.LUG] 3 Strike Petition
To: Manchester GNU/Linux Users <man-lug at listserv.manchester.ac.uk>,
Manchester Free Software <fsuk-manchester at nongnu.org>, South Cheshire
GNU Users <sc at mailman.lug.org.uk>

Don’t disconnect us.  These are the words of an online petition against
the three strikes laws and extra-judiciary powers for enforcing

If you think these online petitions are worth the bits (or they do no
harm), the please consider signing this one if you haven’t already.

Simon Ward
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Lynch <biglynchy at gmail.com>
To: Liverpool Linux User Group <liverpool at mailman.lug.org.uk>,
chester at mailman.lug.org.uk, NW-hack-space at googlegroups.com, Barry
McManus <barry at samplemagic.com>, hannah Perry
<hannah at hannahperry.com>, Andy Webster <andy_web at blueyonder.co.uk>,
William Noakes <wnoakes at yahoo.com>, Alistair Kidd
<alistair.kidd at pql.org.uk>, Alan Pope <alan at popey.com>, Tony Whitmore
<tony at tonywhitmore.co.uk>, Laura Cowen <uupc at lauracowen.co.uk>, Robert
Law <robbelaw at hotmail.com>, Howie Nickson <salvagevisuals at gmail.com>,
Ian Folland <ianwfolland at hotmail.com>, james coates
<james.a.coates at hotmail.co.uk>, Keith Dyce <kedycey at hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2009 13:54:19 +0000
Subject: [hsNW] 3 Strike Petition
Hi folks,

I'm sorry to spam you all but this is really important. Some of you
probably know about this already, but if not there's now a petition on
the Number 10 website against the creation of a 3 strike Internet law
in the UK. This law will allow people to be cut off the Internet and
banned on the accusation of piracy by record companies or other
copyright holders. No fair trial, no due course of justice, no
innocent until proven guilty, just bye bye Internet because somebody
accused you. That's wrong and we have to stop it. Ok, enough
preaching. If you want to sign up here's the address -

Send this to anyone you know who hasn't signed yet and may be
interested. They have to be a UK citizen or an ex-pat to sign, so keep
that in mind when sending out emails. Thanks for your help, together
we can beat this thing but it's not going to be easy. So let's kick up
one almighty storm!!

If you want to read more about the situation and why you should care,
have a look here - http://is.gd/52BdD

Thanks again I appreciate it, I'll leave you in peace now :)


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Kris Douglas
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