[Wolves] Fwd: [SC.LUG] 3 Strike Petition
Alan Pope
alan at popey.com
Wed Nov 25 15:27:09 UTC 2009
2009/11/25 Peter Cannon <dick_turpin at archlinux.us>:
> Yet another white noise petition IMO while I agree a three strikes rule
> is bad I'm a firm believer in "If you've done nothing wrong you've
> nothing to fear"
What if you've done nothing "wrong" (in the eyes of the law) but the
record companies think you have? _They_ get to point the finger and
claim you're guilty, you get cut off, no trial, no legal process. To
suggest that the legal process will work and you're fine if you do
nothing wrong is naive and blinkered. Fact is record companies and
their agents frequently get it wrong by claiming individuals have
breached their copyright when the person in question has valid reasons
why this would not be the case.
"RIAA lawsuit hits family with no computer or Internet access"
If they feel they have enough case against someone that they can throw
a lawsuit at someone, think how many _more_ of these cases there will
be if it's as easy as them just reporting alleged violations, with no
lawsuit required.
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