[Wolves] Linux vs Windows 7

dick_turpin dick_turpin at archlinux.us
Mon Sep 7 12:45:11 UTC 2009

DragonMaster wrote:

Now you see this raises an interesting question
> "The main reason for using
> Linux is that <everything> comes in the box, there are very few extras
> that need to be located these days for a 'standard' machine beit desktop
> or server, and that is a big boost for a tinkerer like me.
If this was MS I.e. W7 and it came with Office, SBS blah blah blah
bundled would we all be up in arms?
I'm thinking in terms of the court cases and the fact IE is bundled?

See for me it begs the question everyone wants MS to not be allowed to
bundle a browser yet install a KDE based distro and you have  Konqueror
by default. Now I understand that you can un-install Konqueror with
minimal damage (It will break some things) but IE is way too tied in but
it still smacks of double standards to me but then I always was
controversial ;-)

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