[Wolves] Suggestions for use of old Linux box

DragonMaster LUG at clews.homelinux.net
Mon Jan 4 13:36:51 UTC 2010

roundyz at hotmail.ru wrote:
> DragonMaster wrote:
>>> Totally agree with the non-gui stuff - I use it a good percentage of the 
>>> time, and it can be really quick to do.  Of course sometimes it is 
>>> easier to 'point-and-click' as well.
>>>   As a result of this thread I've been looking into the freenas distro, 
>>> and it looks really cool - I'm going to set it up on a spare machine.  
>>> Has anyone else played much with it - I'm looking to 'host' a load of 
>>> .iso files of my dvds which a mac-mini will use through Home Theatre 
>>> (once I buy it of course...) and not sure if I need to do anything other 
>>> than simply dump the images onto a drive and export the drive via samba...
>>> Cheers,
>>> DM
> DM,
> OT: Iso files tend to be huge, that seems like a huge waste of space. With
> extra machines about and multicore processors, it would seem more
> practical to store the movies compressed, at a high bitrate.  DVD::Rip
> uses transcode clustering; I can do a tv show in around 7 mins (1 pass:6
> cores 3ghz each), so movies wouldn't take as long as you thought, unless
> you have a shitload of them...
> Regards,
> Roundyz
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I'll certainly look into the transcoding - but as I only have slow 
machines - 1.6G single core - and about 200 DVDs to process it may take 
me a while... :-) I'm like Mo - I recycle old machines :lol:
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