[Wolves] Job: Open Source Network Monitoring Consultant
kevanf1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 17:51:19 UTC 2012
May I have permission to share this on another forum? We've just
started a link up for employers and job seekers on 'The Little Green
Cafe' (a sister chat group to Freeworld-Recycling groups) and this may
find somebody interested in it there.
On 15 February 2012 16:36, Adam Sweet <adam at adamsweet.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi everyone, I'm posting this around a few places at the moment, so
> hope nobody minds me posting here. It's already gone to linuxjobs so
> apologies if you get it more than once through different lists. Please
> feel free to forward it on to any appropriate mailing lists or people
> you think might be interested.
> My company, Transitiv Technologies are an Open Source consultancy who
> specialise in network monitoring. We are looking for network
> monitoring experts to increase our capacity for a busy upcoming year.
> A lot of our work is with Nagios, Cacti, SNMP, Perl etc, so expertise
> in Nagios and at least familiarity with the others is essential.
> Familiarity with the Nagios eco-system and complementary tools
> (NagVis, Merlin, Ninja, Livestatus, PNP4Nagios, RRDtool etc),
> knowledge of how to write performant Nagios plugins (preferably in
> Perl or C) and experience with monitoring Windows, Unix and Cisco
> equipment are beneficial.
> Skills in other Open Source applications, graphing packages,
> programming languages, HA, load-balancing, virtualisation, SMTP,
> Apache, Nginx, VPNs, networking hardware and version control are also
> welcome.
> Initially we're looking for reliable, professional people on an ad-hoc
> basis, but this will develop into a more formal arrangement as
> workloads increase and may move towards employment. We're looking for
> people who already have Nagios expertise, rather than people who will
> need to learn on the job.
> Hourly and daily rates are negotiable depending upon level of
> experience but start at around £35 per hour. There's no necessity to
> be near the Midlands or London but we would at least like to meet you
> to discuss and preferably see what you've done in the past.
> Enquiries by email to careers at transitiv.co.uk
> http://www.transitiv.co.uk/
> Regards,
> Adam Sweet
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