[Wolves] Fw: [linuxjobs] Consulting Positions at Red Hat

Stephen Parkes sparkes at westmids.biz
Wed Sep 26 08:22:24 UTC 2012

On 26 September 2012 09:04, Peter Cannon <dick_turpin at archlinux.us> wrote:
> On 25/09/12 20:43, Stephen Parkes wrote:
>> On 25 September 2012 20:35, Peter Cannon <dick_turpin at archlinux.us> wrote:
>>> I read these with interest Chris however the criteria is like "OM(f'ing)G 5
>>> Years RH Exp? RH has only been going 10 odd years 2 years seems a lot
>>> fairer.
>>> RHCE qualifications? S'bit unfair?
>> RH is almost 20.  It was pretty much the first of the modern distro's
>> I first used it 18+ years ago.  Couldn't admin it for toffee :)
> 20 years? I thought I was the one that exaggerated round here?

No, I said almost 20 years and it's 2012 now

> Red Hat 'The Software project' was formed around 1994 making it around 17/18 years old as a project.

Red Hat Inc was founded in 1993, 19 years ago which is as almost 20
years as you can get without being actually 20 years

> Red Hat 'The Company' was formed around 2002/4 so 10 years for 'The company' is about right. :-P

Somebody is reading the wrong articles the famous Red Hat IPO that
made paper millionaires out of people in the industry including Linus
Torvelds was 11 August 1999.

> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Hat_Linux
> RH was the first distro I used too. :-)

Slackware was my first proper experience with Linux but I had Red Hat
1.0 and 2.0 installed and went over to them for a year or two after
another packaging fuck up on Slack.  Those first Red Hat installs
would have been between Spring and Autumn 1995. Which is actually 17
years ago.  So there's the only error in what I said ;)

I had a revolving install policy depending on what I needed most (DOS,
Windows 95 and Linux) with DOS and games of Frontier: First Encounters
and Doom and Linux beating Windows 95 unless uni had a requirement for
a specific program to be used.


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