[Wolves] OT - Best html editor (paid and free)

Andy Wootton andy.wootton at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 15:21:15 UTC 2013

> On 16 December 2013 17:11, Chris Ellis <chris at intrbiz.com 
> <mailto:chris at intrbiz.com>> wrote:
>     Hi Wayne
>     On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Wayne <waynelists at machx.co.uk
>     <mailto:waynelists at machx.co.uk>> wrote:
>         Merry Xmas to all..
>         what would you recommend for paid for and/or free WYSIWYG html
>         editor....
>         I've got a copy of Dreamweaver and it just seems a bit
>         clunky...any other suggestions?
>     IMHO since the advent of CSS WYSIWYG HTML editors are next to
>     worthless.
>     The flexibility of styling that CSS provides means there are no
>     strict rendering rules for
>     HTML as such the WYSIWYG editors need to be CSS aware.
>     Every web developer I know writes the HTML and CSS in a text editor.
> There aren't aren't many "good" ones out there for this reason, it's 
> very easy to put together a site in CSS and HTML which doesn't tax you 
> too much.
> It's worth having a look at the W3Schools website, it teaches a good 
> working knowledge of CSS and it really doesn't take long to learn.
> Have a look at Twitter-Bootstrap if you want a quick framework to work 
> with.
> -- 
> Kris Douglas MBCS

Disclaimer: I don't 'do' web pages but from a theoretical point of view, 
tagging languages came about from an attempt to seperate content, 
structure and presentation aspects of a piece of text, though they've 
often fallen short of that ideal. It's always been wrong-headed to worry 
about What-You-See because you can't possibly know how it is going to be 
rendered on the 5m high holographic device in zero-gravity. PDFs are 
much better at pretending to be the fixed-size piece of paper graphic 
artists really want but 'apparently' they're "too sensitive" to give a 
good slap.

I've been looking for ages for a Free tool to start writing DocBook XML 
(or maybe DITA) and recently found 'XML Copy Editor' in the Ubuntu repo. 
It looks promising. It reads an XML definition and configures itself to 
be aware of the relevant grammar.

I understand that HTML5 can be written in XHTML syntax so maybe this is 
viable option for web pages too? XML Copy Editor supports 'XHTML 1.0 
Strict' but I'm out of my depth now.

Woo MBCS (Yikes, they're breeding!)

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