[Wolves] dd usage?

John Green illskills1982 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 10 09:26:15 UTC 2014

if = input file system
of = output file system

if i remember correctly ... just type man dd or dd --help and check dd is
cool but i prefer using clonezilla saves having the OS loaded when I clone

On 4 June 2014 15:59, Kevanf1 <kevanf1 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I would like to clone a system (Fedora 20 if it upgrades successfully
> from 19) and put the lot onto a larger hdd.  I think the command I
> want is
> dd if=sda1 of=sdb1
> sda1 being the origin drive and sdb1 being the output drive.  If the
> references are different then they will be altered accordingly but I
> believe they are conventionally named drives.
> There are no fancy partition layouts here.  I just banged the lot on
> into one partition (it was an old 20gb drive).  It does not have LVM
> or anything like that.  The intended new drive will probably be either
> a 60gb or 80gb eide pata drive similar to the original (just larger).
> I think I shall do all of this using a live cd.  Is this a good idea?
> With the output going to a larger drive I assume I'm going to need to
> use something like gparted to expand some of the folders?
> Would I need to make any alterations or reinstalls of grub if done
> this way?  Or it is carried over to the new drive together with the
> original system?
> I'm doing it this way instead of using something like Clonezilla
> because I am trying to get a grip on using the cli instead of always
> using a gui solution.  I'm actually finding it rather pleasing :)
> --
> ==============================================
> Kevan
> Linux user #373362
> Staffordshire
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