[Wolves] GDPR compliance

Ron Wellsted ron at wellsted.org.uk
Thu May 24 14:06:51 UTC 2018

On 24/05/18 14:46, Mark Rogers via Wolves wrote:
> Of-course the irony is that GDPR won't touch these; anything untargetted
> where none of your personal details are used is fine isn't it? So we should
> expect to see an increase in untargetted flyers thanks to GDPR; printing a
> million leaflets and sticking one through every door, without knowing or
> caring whether the person inside wants, it has just become a lot more
> attractive.

It would be interesting to see an ecological assessment of the impact of

Ron Wellsted
ron at wellsted.org.uk http://www.wellsted.org.uk
ron at m0rnw.uk http://m0rnw.uk
Call Sign: M0RNW / Linux Counter No. 202120

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