[Wolves] The cost of local backup

Mark Ellse mark at ellse.org
Sun Apr 28 23:38:07 UTC 2019

> On 28/04/2019 01:48, Mark Ellse via Wolves wrote:
> > I've just put my server on a power meter. It tells me that my little
> system
> > which is running my backup is taking 43W as a steady draw.
> >
> > Cost is 377 kWh x 14 p/kWh = 5274 p/year = £52.74 /year
> ficant are the power costs for any of the local options.
> >
> > Mark
> If power consumption was a major problem then you could make a good backup
> solution on a Raspberrypi.
> A Pi even with a USB hard drive would consume less than £10 a year,
> depending on hard drives used.
> You could go even further and run your pi from a solar panel and battery
> solution making it completely free to run.
> After the initial cost of buying the kit to do it.
> Dave
> Raspberrypi does make sense. I might investigate. One thing the
calculation did make me realise is that it is now, in view of the
electricity costs, worth spending on the hardware to make it low energy
consumption. That old PC which you are using as a backup isn't free because
of its energy costs.


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