[Wolves] LUG Meetings on Tour
Adam Sweet
adamsweet at gmail.com
Fri Jul 12 17:51:13 UTC 2019
On 12/07/2019 18:30, Ron Wellsted via Wolves wrote:
> On 11 July 2019 20:36:55 BST, Amrik Singh via Wolves
> <wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
>> We're going to need suggestions for where to hold technical
>> evenings. Amo suggested the Electric club, where the Amateur Radio
>> club meet, just off Chapel Ash. I don't know if they serve food but
>> there are plenty of places to eat in or out nearby. Ron, would that
>> work for the Radio club people if we were to gatecrash every 2
>> months or so?
> It should be possible to visit the radio club. Please note that
> anyone visiting more than 3 times is expected to become a member.
> Also as the club now meets on Wednesday, any talks would real need to
> have a general appeal to both foss/Linux users and radio amateurs.
The first one I was thinking of was just a show and tell where people
bring along something they've been playing with, working on or know well
enough to show everybody else for 5 mins.
My thing would be Raspberry Pi environmental monitoring thing I was
playing with since Christmas and maybe, some battery powered ESP32
wifi/bluetooth capable Arduino type boards I was hoping to set up in my
greenhouses to read the sensors and send data over the network to some
kind of collector agent, if they arrive in time.
I'm not sure if that or whatever everyone else comes up with would
interest the radio people. So maybe we still need to find somewhere else
anyway. I was going to post about finding a location for technical
meet-ups, but if anyone knows a pub with a back room they'd let us use
for the cost of a bunch of us ordering food and drinks for the evening
then please shout it out.
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