[Wolves] LIST - Virtual Meeting

Andy Chamberlain triumph900 at talktalk.net
Thu Mar 26 09:02:42 UTC 2020

I did have a look after the Radio Net, and it seemed to be working well. 
Ron, Chris and John were on, Ron left soon after I joined, don't think 
that was significant!!

I found John was best with me, excellent quality picture and good speech 
sync. Chris was not quite so good, at times a bit of echo and some lack 
of sync on audio.

However I am being very picky as I have had no technical input and thank 
everyone for their efforts in getting this up and running. Being totally 
on my own here the difference it makes to be able to see and hear 
friends is priceless.

Thanks again for your efforts.

Very best regards


On 25/03/2020 22:32, Adam Sweet via Wolves wrote:
> Thanks to those who joined, I'm sorry I wasn't able to join until most
> of you had left.
> As it happens it seemed to work well. I don't know if any of you had
> problems with audio or video quality before I arrived but it looked and
> sounded pretty good to me. Be interesting to see how it works with more
> users.
> Ad
> On 25/03/2020 11:40, Andy Chamberlain via Wolves wrote:
>> On 25/03/2020 11:23, Chris Ellis via Wolves wrote:
>>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2020 at 11:17 AM Adam Sweet via Wolves
>>> <wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> Date:
>>>> 19:30 onwards, Wed 22nd January 2020
>>>> Location:
>>>> https://meet.intrbiz.net/wolveslug
>>>> Instructions:
>>>> You don't need to install any software, you just need a web browser.
>>>> Click the above link and allow it to use your webcam and microphone when
>>>> asked. If you have a microphone headset please use it.
>>>> When you join the conference, please click the chat icon in the bottom
>>>> left (3rd icon from the left, looks like a square speech bubble) and set
>>>> your name, so everyone can see who you are if they don't recognise you.
>>>> If you have any problems with Chrome or Chromium accessing your
>>>> microphone despite allowing it, try Firefox.
>>>> The conference is open already, please drop in to test your webcam and
>>>> microphone rather than having everyone spend half an hour figuring it
>>>> out at the beginning of the conference.
>>>> I'll try to stay in there as much as I can today, but I am working from
>>>> home, need to eat and have other things to do around the house. If we
>>>> can get a handful of people in there it will give us a sense of how it
>>>> performs ahead of time.
>>>> Homework:
>>>> Please spend a moment to think about a 10-30 second introduction you can
>>>> give about yourself, what you do, how you use Linux, what distro/desktop
>>>> environments you use and what you're interested in outside of Linux etc
>>>> as a conversation starter.
>>>> If you can, also think of a conversation topic or question you'd like to
>>>> ask the room. It will help if everyone is just staring at their webcams
>>>> hoping someone else will speak.
>>>> Anyway, the list. Please put your names below.
>>>> Goes:
>>>> Late/Maybe:
>>>> 1. Ad - wife works for NHS, I'm cooking dinner but I'll join after.
>>>      2. Chris E.
>> 2 Andy,  No webcam as yet and will be on Radio Club net at the same time.
>>>> No Goes:
>>>> -- 
>>>> Wolves LUG mailing list
>>>> Homepage: http://www.wolveslug.org.uk/
>>>> Mailing list: Wolves at mailman.lug.org.uk
>>>> Mailing list home: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/wolves

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