[Wolves] Virtual Meeting, 30th September

Adam Sweet adamsweet at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 14:14:06 UTC 2020

On 12/10/2020 15:05, Adam Sweet wrote:
> On 30/09/2020 22:26, Andy Chamberlain via Wolves wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Good to see and chat with you all tonight. Pleased to see in these
>> Pandemic times that the humour is still there.
>> As promised here is the donation link for my 'Go sober in October'
>> challenge; *www.gosober.org.uk/users/andy-chamberlain-2*
>> <https://gosober.cmail19.com/t/i-l-viuuyi-jdudmuddi-dr/>.
>> I am very grateful for any donation you make.
> Just remembered. Best of luck Andy.

I should add that this is in support of Macmillan Cancer Support who
provide nurses and family support for end of life cancer patients in
their own homes free of charge, so they can be kept comfortable and die
at home rather than in hospital.

A very worthy cause if ever there was one. Please make a donation if you
are able to.


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