[Wolves] Linux talks for day job.

Simon Burke simon at samandsimon.co.uk
Thu Sep 21 08:45:23 UTC 2023

Hi guys,

Long time no post.

So I've been convinced to help run a series of talks at work relating to
Linux in general.

My topic of choice is 'Linux for Windows Administrators'.

I have the basic outline, but I thought I'd post and ask for suggestions of
what kind of things to include?
(The majority of people attending are considered 'academics' which should
be factored in).

Initial ideas are along the lines of:
* Disk layout (not going into great depth, but touching on 'everything is a
* Updates and patching.
* Powershell and bash. Plus some command equivalencies.
* Dare I touch text editors, as a lifelong vim user?

Im intentionally staying aware from GUI tools as Im trying to rid our Linux
estate of having a GUI.

(Nb talk is in the region of 15-20mins plus 10 for Q&A after).

Any suggestions would be really appreciated, as what's interesting to me is
probably not going to be of interest to anyone else.

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