[Wolves] DNS management du jour

Carles Pina i Estany carles at pina.cat
Fri Sep 29 09:13:16 UTC 2023


On 29 Sep 2023 at 09:57:19, Simon Burke via Wolves wrote:

> So I have a number of personal domains that have been managed via Rackspace
> cloud for a number of years. However I now have a need for DNSSEC to be
> enabled on them, as I want to play with DANE. Can anyone suggest a DNS
> management provider/system that would support DNSSEC and TLSA records?
> (short of running BIND somewhere myself).

No idea, sorry!

> For some context, Microsoft has recently decided they are going to enable
> support for DANE with DNSSEC for inbound email mid-late next year, and a
> number of other providers already are. So I'm looking to have a play with
> one of my personal domains to do some testing (so I don't break anything at
> work :D) .


> If anyone wants a short talk about DNS based Mail 'security' (SPF, DKIM,
> DMARC, DANE), I probably need to get one made for work shortly anyway :D,
> so I'm happy to 'do one' :)

I don't see how it can be "short" and then "DNS based Mail 'security'
(SPF, DKIM, DMARC, DANE)". To me this is impossible :-D

I am interested, I would try to attend. If it's online I would hope that
it's easy to attend (if you welcome someone from the SLUG group :-D) ,
if it's physical depends on the day and place (perhaps Telford is a good
place, at least for me, from Market Drayton). No idea of concrete places

Carles Pina i Estany
https://carles.pina.cat || Wiktionary translations: https://kamus.pina.cat

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