[Wylug-announce] Next Meeting - Monday 14th August 2000

Jim Jackson jj@comp.leeds.ac.uk
Thu, 3 Aug 2000 15:26:12 +0100 (BST)

Greetings all,

Another excellant networking session last month. Thanks Andrew and Gary. I've
put up their Virtual Private Networks presentations on the web site, along
with the pptp HOWTO that Andrew sent me.

The August meeting has no speakers or talks. Come along for coffee/tea and a
chat followed by the pub. Unfortunately I'm on holiday, so Mark will 
be host for the night :-)

Feel free to bring along any Linux related topic for discussion.

Future Meetings ...............

I've not got anything for September yet, but am in discussions with people
for 9th October, 13th November and 11th December. More later.

That's it. 

All the best


                West Yorkshire Linux Users Group  (WYLUG)

             Meetings are free and open to anyone to attend.

                     7 pm  Monday 14th August 2000
                        (6:30pm for coffee/tea)


                     Bring your own Topic Night!!!

        WYLUG Venue:  Active Learning Lab.,  (Level 7, near staircase 2)
                      E.C. Stoner Building   (aka Physics/Admin)
                      University of Leeds
                      Woodhouse Lane
                      Leeds UK

             for location of Leeds University & Campus Map see

        General Discussion:

                LINUX  -  News, Views, Question and, hopefully, Answers

                WYLUG  -  what, who, when (and why :-)
                 Especially what happens at future meetings!

          followed by beer at the Felon and Firkin, George Street

WYLUG - West Yorkshire Linux User Group     Secretary: jj@scs.leeds.ac.uk
http://www.wylug.org.uk         email lists: http://list.wylug.lug.org.uk