[Wylug-announce] (no subject)

Jim Jackson jj@scs.leeds.ac.uk
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 16:08:46 +0000 (GMT)

Greetings all,

This is becoming a bit of a news letter! Hope it doesn't bore the pants of

The Last Meeting

The January meeting was another successfull meeting with 50 people
present. I think Adam gave quite a few people the impetus to have a go at
rolling there own Kernel.

The New Lists

Since the meeting we have had the re-organisation of the WYLUG email
lists, thanks to Nigel for the hard work. PLEASE, everyone, the lists are

            for announcement only - this is a low traffic list
            for general discussion
            for technical question and answers
            for planning and advocacy issues - this tends to be our
            unofficial "committee" :-)

Go to http://list.wylug.lug.org.uk  for list administration, joining,
leaving, changing details, etc

Could everyone alter their addressbooks etc with the new addresses.
Email to the old scs.leeds address is being autoforwarded, but there is a
delay, because of the need for human intervention.

The Next Meeting

Stuart Green will being doing a presentation on the major use of Linux in
the Chemistry department at the University of Leeds. Stuart writes "This
talk will cover how Linux and other free software solutions have been
successfully deployed in the department, including:
   * beowulf clusters
   * thin clients with vnc
   * proxies, caches and socks
   * sparc IPC recycling
   * web-based email

Also, representative(s) of Quadratec UK Ltd will do a presentation
covering aspects of Backup solutions for Linux, and presenting their own
products in this area. This was an approach I had "out of the blue". It's
a good sign of the rise in the commercial importance of Linux. I'm assured
that the presentation will very informative and not be a straight sales
pitch :-)

March Meeting

Simon Wood, of Pace, will do an "Introduction to Gnu Privacy Guard", the
encryption and signature system for mail and other uses. 

April Meeting

nothing yet. Any volunteers?

That's it. 

All the best


               West Yorkshire Linux Users Group  (WYLUG)

            Meetings are free and open to anyone to attend.

                   7 pm  Monday 14th February 2000
                       (6:30pm for coffee/tea)


              Linux Solutions in the School of Chemistry
                           Stuart Green
                        University of Leeds

                    Backup Solutions for Linux
                          Quadratec UK Ltd 

        WYLUG Venue:  Active Learning Lab.,  (Level 7, near staircase 2)
                      E.C. Stoner Building   (aka Physics/Admin)
                      University of Leeds
                      Woodhouse Lane
                      Leeds UK

             for location of Leeds University & Campus Map see

        General Discussion:

                LINUX  -  User Information, Question and Answers

                WYLUG  -  what, who, when (and why :-)
                 Especially what happens at future meetings!

                   followed by beer at the Londoner Pub

WYLUG - West Yorkshire Linux User Group     Secretary: jj@scs.leeds.ac.uk
http://www.wylug.lug.org.uk     email lists: http://list.wylug.lug.org.uk