[Wylug-announce] ManLUG Meetings for October and November 2001

Dr A V Le Blanc wylug-discuss at wylug.org.uk
Tue, 9 Oct 2001 14:04:27 +0100


MANLug meetings for October and November, 2001.

As a matter of policy, the University have asked us to bring some
photo identification to show the porters if we are asked.  I know
some of us are a little unhappy about this, but please do remember
that the University is kind enough to let us use their facilities
without a fee, so perhaps we can agree to this gracefully.

20 October 2001, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our website: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)


Our new users will be drooling and panting to have Linux installed
on their machines.  People should bring CDs and their expertise in
S.u.S.E, Debian, Red Hat, Mandrake, or any other reasonable
distribution.  S.u.S.E have promised to send CDs for the beta of
7.3, and Mandrake will be sending some as well.  Please come and
help, or bring your machine along.   Note:  Please, please back
up your machine before you bring it, unless you are absolutely
willing to risk losing everything on it!

17 November 2001

I have a volunteer who plans to present CygWin.  For those of you
who don't know it, this is a Unix-like environment that runs on
Windows 98 and Windows NT, which now includes an X server and even
a desktop with KDE.

     -- Owen

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