[Wylug-announce] ManLUG meetings for April and May 2002

Dr A V Le Blanc Dr A V Le Blanc <LeBlanc at mcc.ac.uk>
Wed, 17 Apr 2002 16:23:39 +0100


ManLUG meetings for April and May 2002.

20 April 2002, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our web site: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)
Reminder: Please bring a 'photo ID' to show the porters if you are

     Dave Gilbert

Do you use Linux?  If you are a S.u.S.E or Red Hat or Mandrake
person, you've probably heard of Debian; you may even have tried
it.  It is, as Ted T'so said recently in London, a different sort
of Linux distribution; it aims to please experienced administrators
rather than first-time installers.  This presentation will look at
some of the tools which are available within the Debian system:
apt-get, apt-cache, dpkg, and the like.  How is the Debian
documentation different?  What's available and where is it?

     Owen Le Blanc

In keeping with the goal of helping new Linux users, I hope we can
have a little hands-on session looking at simple commands.  I have
a little presentation (aimed at beginners) about processes and the
tools for monitoring them.

18 May 2002, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our web site: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)

Installfest.  We'll try to have recent versions of as many Linux
distributions as possible, certainly including Debian, S.u.S.E, and
perhaps Mandrake.

Note: ManLUG web Pages: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk/ and other addresses.

Suggestions for later meetings:

Adam Huffman might discuss pan, the Gnome newsreader, or the process
of joining (and getting heavily involved in) an existing free
software project.

James Youngman would like to talk about the web-based collaboration
environment, TWiki.  He has also suggests a PGP signing party
(perhaps with a talk), perhaps inviting various speakers, a
workshop on Apache, Gnome, or something of this sort.

     -- Owen

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