[Wylug-announce] Linux Seminar

Richard Ibbotson richard at sheflug.co.uk
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 22:30:27 +0000

          =A0      Sheffield Linux Users Group =A0(ShefLUG)

We will be holding a seminar at Sheffield Wednesday's football
ground at Hillsborough... www.swfc.co.uk ....   on the 21st of=20
February.  Plenty of parking space. Entrance is free.  You don't have=20
to pay anything.  Lunch will be served.  For more info have a look=20


there is an online booking form so that you can show your
interest by providing your own personal details..


we are dealing with registration requests on a first come first=20
served basis.  We have a maximum limit of 200 people.  So, if you=20
want to come along please do register right away and we'll be able to=20
find you a chair and some lunch.

We need to have a full turn out.  Please do tell everyone you know.

             Hope we see you there on the 21st of February  :)

Thank you


        Sheffield Linux User's Group - http://www.sheflug.co.uk .

                 GNU the choice of a complete generation.

  email lists: http://community.uklinux.net/mailman/listinfo/shef-lug