[Wylug-announce] ManLUG meetings for March, April, and May 2002

Dr A V Le Blanc Dr A V Le Blanc <LeBlanc at mcc.ac.uk>
Fri, 8 Mar 2002 12:03:19 +0000


ManLUG meetings for March, April, and May 2002.

16 March 2002, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our web site: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)
Reminder: Please bring a 'photo ID' to show the porters if you are

     Robert Morris

Diald is a program which brings up a telephone connection to the
Ethernet when you have outgoing packets ready to be transmitted.
It uses some other facility such as chat to make the connection,
so that has to be installed and configured.  There are many
utilities which use diald or cooperate with it, monitoring
connections and calculating potential costs.

     Richard Jarvis
     What is Docbook?

Docbook is an SGML based markup language used by the Linux Documentation
Project to maintain technical documentation and generate multiple output
formats from a single source.

The HOWTO-HOWTO points out that:
"SGML provides for more than just formatting. You can automatically build
indexes, table of contents, and links within the document or to outside.
You cam export to LaTeX, info, text, HTML, and RTF. From these basic
formats, you can then create other formats such as MS Word, PostScript,
PDF and so on. 
SGML is more concerned about the way elements work instead of the way
they look. A big distinction,and one that will let you write faster, since
you don't have to worry about placement of paragraphs, font sizes, font
types, and so on."

The presentation will give an introduction to Docbook and a demonstration
showing how to use Docbook and some supporting tools.

20 April 2002, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our web site: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)

In keeping with the goal of helping new Linux users, I hope we can
have a little hands-on session looking at simple commands.  I have
no commitments from other speakers for April.  The following
speakers have made tentative offers:

Adam Huffman might discuss pan, the Gnome newsreader, or the process
of joining (and getting heavily involved in) an existing free
software project.

James Youngman would like to talk about the web-based collaboration
environment, TWiki.  He has also suggests a PGP signing party
(perhaps with a talk), perhaps inviting various speakers, a
workshop on Apache, Gnome, or something of this sort.

David Harrigan has offered to speak on Knowledge Management,
Extreme Programming, and CVS, which he is using at work.

20 April 2002, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our web site: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)

Installfest.  We'll try to have recent versions of as many Linux
distributions as possible, certainly including Debian, S.u.S.E, and
perhaps Mandrake.

Note: ManLUG web Pages: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk/ and other addresses.

     -- Owen

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