[Wylug-announce] ManLUG meetings for January 2003 through April 2003

Dr A V Le Blanc Dr A V Le Blanc <LeBlanc at mcc.ac.uk>
Fri, 17 Jan 2003 13:15:43 +0000


ManLUG meetings for January 2003 through April 2003

18 January 2003, 14:00, usual place.  (For more information, see
our web site: http://www.manlug.man.ac.uk, under 'How to find us'.)
Reminder: Please bring a 'photo ID' to show the porters if you are

     There were two talks scheduled, one on magiconf and one
     on zope.  Unfortunately the magiconf talk is being deferred,
     and the zope talk may or may not occur.  (Magiconf is a
     configuration utility being incorporated into the new
     Debian install procedure.  Zope is a web content management
     system.)  So you'll probably have one of my talks that I've
     threatened before (on clustering), and maybe the zope
     talk if the speaker is well enough.

15 February 2003, 14:00, usual place.
15 March 2003, 14:00, usual place.

James Youngman may finally present his wiki talk in February,
only one year late, if I recall correctly!  Magiconf and perhaps
some other talk will occur whenever I can arrange them.  Are you
interested in some other subjects?  Please give a talk yourself.
Save the trouble and volunteer now!  Uncle Linus wants _you_.

12 April 2003, 14:00, usual place.

Normally the April meeting would be on the 19th, but that's
in the middle of Easter weekend.  So I propose moving the April
meeting to April 12.  I'll remind you again and again, but
someone's sure to show up on the 19th!

     -- Owen

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