[Wylug-announce] PHP font utility

roger roger.b at beaunet.force9.net
Tue Feb 10 23:51:34 GMT 2004

Announcing a new (if pretty trivial) PHP utility.

Since I couldn't find a _simple_ tool to reformat an image file as a PHP 
font (for use with the imageloadfont() function), I wrote a PHP script that 
does just that.  It ain't very clever, but it works on my system (and 
provides for the different "endian-ness" on x86 (etc) and 68k (etc) systems).

It's primitive (no UI, just edit the run-time parameters into the script), 
but I've tried to provide decent progress- and error-reporting.  It depends 
on having a .bmp file (grey-scale expected) of the glyphs.  Having said 
that, it did my job, so it does work (under PHP with Apache) - I've 
successfully used it to create 2 fixed-width, bit-mapped fonts.

I'm benefiting enormously from Linux & the open source movement, so, for 
what it's worth, I'd like to pay a bit back.  I've published the code 
(internally documented) at http://www.beaunet.force9.co.uk/gpl/ (GPL 
license applies). The HTML page there provides links to tar-ball and zip 
archives, plus uncompressed versions of the script, a brief .txt 
description and a screen-dump (showing it running in Firebird).

As I say, it's done the job I wanted, so I haven't much interest in 
developing it further myself, but others might want to play to give it a 
decent front end, or to check (and fix?) it under the PHP CLI - or make 
other improvements I haven't thought of.

I've submitted it to freshmeat, and intend to do the same with sourceforge, 
but it may well be too trivial for those heavyweights.

FWIW, it's open to all (as per GPL).

Good networking,

Roger Beaumont  

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