[Wylug-announce] Next Meeting - Monday 12th September 2005

Jim Jackson jj at comp.leeds.ac.uk
Thu Sep 8 11:01:02 BST 2005

Greetings All,

It was rather a thin, but highly select :-), turn out down at the Vic for 
the summer social - I suspect that may have been my cock-up in getting the 
official notice out at last minute. It was good to see those that made it.

The next meeting is this coming Monday, 12th Sept, at the University. Paul 
Brook is talking about QEMU.

I have this nagging feeling that someone said they'd also do a talk at the 
Sept. Meeting - if so then email me and I'll get an ammended notice out 

We have Coraid talking in October about Etherdrive, but I don't have a 
second speaker. I also have nothing for November. So please get in touch 
if you have ideas or contacts that can be approached.

There is the knotty question of next year - but as I indicating in a post 
to wylug-discuss a couple of weeks back, I'm not taking an organising role
after the end of this year, so unless someone steps forward......

all the best


                 West Yorkshire Linux Users Group  (WYLUG)
              Meetings are free and open to anyone to attend.
                           ----             ------

                        Monday 12th September 2005

                      6:30 pm for Tea/Coffee and chat
                          7 pm prompt for meeting

                    QEMU - A Fast and Portable emulator
                                Paul Brook

    The QEMU CPU emulator uses dynamic translation to provide much better
   performance than conventional emulators. QEMU also includes PC hardware
                  emulation, and linux syscall emulation.


                Open Session - queries, discussion, whatever

           WYLUG Venue:  Active Learning Lab.,  (Level 9, near staircase 2)
                         E.C. Stoner Building   (aka Physics/Admin)
                         University of Leeds
                         Woodhouse Lane
                         Leeds UK

                for location of meetings please see

       "Informal" Discussions Continue after the meeting at the Victoria Pub
        on Great George St. at the back of the Town Hall - Everyone Welcome

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