[Wylug-discuss] IMAP Server Recommendation

James Holden james at jamesholden.net
Mon Feb 16 16:30:53 GMT 2004

Hash: SHA1

Rik Wade wrote:
| Can anyone recommend an IMAP server for use on Linux? I know there are
| several good ones available but would be interested to hear people's
| experiences.
| I am running Postfix with spamd and procmail for local delivery.
| Requirements:
| 	- shouldn't be too fiddly to configure
| 	- should support encrypted IMAP sessions
| 	- shouldn't need constant security patching due to inclusion
| 	of all features bar the kitchen sink
| Links to nice howto files etc appreciated.
| --
| rik


I use postfix and spamassassin (although as a filter) with procmail for
local delivery. I use courier as my IMAP server and I'm for the most
part happy with it. It's better than uw-imap anyway. ;-)

I also have the MySQL stuff working so I can add mailboxes on the fly
with nothing more than a couple of inserts into the DB.

Courier uses Maildirs though, not standard Unix mbox's (which is no bad

Downside is it's a bit fiddly to configure and needs sasl to control
authentication. It does support secure IMAP though.

I'll email my configs to you if you want to take a look though. I run it
on OpenBSD.


- --
James Andrew Holden, Leeds, UK    (james at jamesholden dot net)
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