[Wylug-discuss] linux literature

kai.che at ntlworld.com kai.che at ntlworld.com
Tue Feb 17 23:02:13 GMT 2004

hello all.
i thought i would yeta again pick your vast [collectively speaking before y'all get too bigheaded] brains for the following questions about linux books.

i would like recommendations for distro specific reference books that dont aim at being too beginnery even and [being poor/stingy/mean/whatver want to buy the best book that will last me] in the following please fi you guys have time or personal book experience.

a definitive /servery guide for
and suse.

any suggestions or recommendations welcome

maybe we should start our own oprah style book club on this kind of thing ..

cause ven though i dont really have the time i feel like i have too many dumb questions and not enough books! ; - /


hpefully see you guys at the next meeting!

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