[Wylug-discuss] What Do you Call your Machine??

Steve King steve at kingsteve.co.uk
Sun Mar 14 13:08:11 GMT 2004

On Sun, 14 Mar 2004, Smylers wrote:

> No!  A naming scheme like that severely reduces the ability to
> Tab-complete computer names when using ssh and scp and so on.  My
> compyters have names starting with different letters of the alphabet,
> and that's something I'm planning on continuing doing (and, no, I can't
> foresee myself getting to having 27 of the things).

What about once your when your fridge/ freezer/ cooker/ microwave/
toaster/ coffeemaker/ etc. etc. all get networked? ;-)

You could use finger on the fridge to see if you need to get milk from
the shop on your way home.

Ok, maybe not.

Me? I use simpsons names
Ned, Marge, Apu and Wiggum are my current computers, with network things
having sensible names namely "adsl", "wap" and "bridge".  Other
computers which have been in the network are Moe (my old main server),
Bart (my younger brother's computer), Homer (my dad's computer), Skinner
(my dad's laptop, he's a headteacher) and Lisa.

At work the linux servers are called Chaos, Disorder and Bewilderment. I
didn't name them!  There's also Sophos which is the sophos AV server,
and admin which is the admin server.


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