[Wylug-discuss] Future meetings.........

Roger Beaumont roger at beaunet.force9.net
Wed Sep 14 21:29:14 BST 2005

Offer to speak...

I've been reading this list for several years - and agreed with much 
more than I've understood!  I've even been to 2 or 3 meetings. <g>

Over the past 18 months or so I've taught myself enough about MySQL & 
php to understand the manuals well enough to write 3 db-driven websites 
(www.mypriestley.org.uk is, I believe non-trivial, but also 
www.keighleyliberals.org.uk and www.bradwan.com) - including providing 
user input facilities (the bradwan site is entirely written by the chap 
I designed it for, using my wrapper & input code) - and to edit my 
httpd.conf file to recognise the relevant URLs.  Oh yeah, I also serve 
all 3 sites via my broadband connection.

I'd guess that there's a talk in that, which addresses some topics that 
have been mentioned - and as an ex-FE-teacher I'm sure I could deliver it.


I'm damned if I can come up with a plan of what to cover!

If WYLUG members could help decide the content & scope, I'd volunteer to 
prepare and make the presentation.

NB I do NOT know enough to bottom httpd/php/MySQL problems in general, 
just enough to use the documentation to solve the problems that I came 
accross myself.  However, if 'the floor' is prepared to help answer 
questions as well as ask them, that needn't be an insuperable problem.

Would that be of interest?

Roger (wanting to pay back a bit of my debt and not knowing enough about 
the systems side to do it that way.)

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