[Wylug-discuss] ADSL migration

Anne Wilson cannewilson at tiscali.co.uk
Fri May 12 12:53:05 BST 2006

On Friday 12 May 2006 11:53, Smylers wrote:
> Anne Wilson writes:
> > Like most non-professionals, I only half-understand some of the issues
> > here, specifically how hosting actually works.
> There are lots of options; one type of shared hosting works as follows.
> You need to attach your domain to the account, either by transferring
> its registration to your hosting provider or by setting the name-servers
> (with your existing registrar) to be those specified by your hosting
> provider.
Not sure that I've got that.  AIUI, Mailbox, like many others, use Tucows to 
register the domain.  To do either of those methods, would I be needing the 
cooperation of Mailbox, Tucows, or both?  Or something else completely?

> That means that all web and mail traffic for your domain will go to your
> hosting provider.  They will group many domains on to a physical server
> (which generally makes them quite inexpensive; far cheaper than having a
> server just for yourself) and provide you with FTP details for uploading
> your website and imap and webmail log-ins for getting at your mail.
> And that's pretty much it.  I'd expect that's similar to how you're
> currently doing things -- the only difference would be that the company
> whose hosting servers you're using would happen to be different from
> that providing your ADSL.
Yes, it sounds exactly the way it operates currently.

> > I'd love to have my own complete mail server, as distinct from the
> > imap server I run internally, but suspect that it would take more time
> > and resources than I have to do it right now.  The same applies to web
> > serving.
> Your suspicion sounds well-founded to me!  I'd stick with using somebody
> else's shared hosting (either bundled with your ADSL or from a separate
> provider) for the time being, at least until you've got your ADSL move
> sorted out and working.
> Then if you want to start rolling your own servers later you can do so,
> but there's no reason why learning about that should hold up sorting out
> your ADSL!
True.  Thanks for the help so far.

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