[Wylug-discuss] What Distro to give away....

Alex Howells alex at bytemark.co.uk
Sat Oct 11 23:33:52 UTC 2008

Lee Evans wrote:
>> And my advice to people considering a career in IT? Don't do it unless
>> you have a real passion for it, the starting salaries are poor and the
>> work menial, it can take 10 years, and a real talent, before you start
>> seeing decent money.
> This is one of the daftest comments I've ever seen on the Wylug lists - an
> incredible generalisation, and an inaccurate one that that.

Second this comment. I've done about 4 years of contract and part-time,
before a couple of years of full-time employment.  Whilst I'm still a
relatively young 'un I'd say I'm having a decent enough time in IT.

If you're defining "decent money" as £50k and expecting that with a very
small amount of experience then I'd just say you're being unrealistic,
so perhaps some clarification is in order?

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