[Wylug-discuss] New FSFE Free PDF Readers Campaign

Will Newton will.newton at gmail.com
Fri Sep 17 15:34:53 UTC 2010

On Fri, Sep 17, 2010 at 4:22 PM, Tim Medcalf <tim at kadixi.com> wrote:
> Agreed - I can't see how this site (at least in its current form) will
> really change anything. John makes some excellent points.
> I know this isn't really the point of the campaign by my experience of
> promoting FOSS to the unenlightened is that its always been most beneficial
> to lead with the "free as in beer" bit first...and once people are sold on
> that, move on to the "free as in freedom" point.
> When people realise that they don't need to spend a fortune on Photoshop et
> al, and can replace it with GIMP, Inkscape and Scribus etc it opens their
> eyes and they can begin to appreciate the wider implications of proper
> software freedom.
> Trying to get Joe Public to forsake an application that doesn't cost
> anything with ones that potentially don't work as smoothly/reliably/easily
> (or are a lot harder to install) is not going to work IMHO.
> Just my £0.02

I've installed evince on Windows in preference to Acrobat Reader or
FoxIt in the past. It's faster, doesn't run "Adobe bloatware update
centre" in the background and renders quite well. The printing side of
it is the only bit that's lacking in my experience, which may well be
a deal breaker for some people.

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