[Wylug-discuss] Ubuntu and Unity Desktop ... anyone like it?

Dave Fisher wylug-discuss at davefisher.co.uk
Wed Oct 12 01:56:18 UTC 2011

Am I the only one struggling to be productive with the new GUI?

I'm trying to use it on a traditional desktop and laptop ... and
despite my willingness to learn new tricks and my openess to the idea
that it might eventually work well, it's really getting in my way at
the moment.

I hate the term "change management", but if Canonical have heard of
it, they don't seem to have learnt any lessons about preparing the
ground for this transition.

When deadlines approach I'm forced to go back to the "Gnome Classic",
but the latest Ubuntu version of Gnome seems to be suffering from the
withdrawl of love, with many components breaking and the whole thing
dog slow.

Is it just me?


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