[Wylug-discuss] Ubuntu and Unity Desktop ... anyone like it?

Richard Ibbotson richard.ibbotson at gmail.com
Wed Oct 12 09:23:28 UTC 2011


> Am I the only one struggling to be productive with the new GUI?

You are not alone.  Seems to have knocked Ubuntu desktop's popularity 
a bit.  Linux Mint is looking good on the Distrowatch page hit ranking 


> When deadlines approach I'm forced to go back to the "Gnome
> Classic", but the latest Ubuntu version of Gnome seems to be
> suffering from the withdrawl of love, with many components
> breaking and the whole thing dog slow.

I was a keen user of a mixed KDE and Gnome desktop for years.  I still 
do that but now my main desktop is LXDE with the Cairo dock in the 
bottom of the screen.   LXDE task bar on the top of the screen.  Looks 
a lot like a Mac. Works for me.


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