[Wylug-discuss] Compressed swap in RAM == free performance boost

James Holden wylug at jamesholden.net
Thu Oct 13 14:24:34 UTC 2011


I came across this this morning:


The idea is that (for machines low on physical memory) you can swap to a
compressed RAM disk to compress paged-out data into RAM rather than
writing it to a slow physical disk.

Having tried it on an old 1GB desktop that my wife uses, it seems to
work well. Previously, switching applications caused some long delays
due to swap use but it's much more responsive now.

Obviously it's no substitute for more physical RAM but in combination
with some real disk-based swap it seems like a neat trick to get a bit
more performance out of older hardware without spending any money.



James Holden                     Developer, SEO, Technology Consultant
http://jamesholden.net/                          Leeds, United Kingdom
http://twitter.com/jamesholden                            07989 702968
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