[Wylug-discuss] advice on ebook reader or similar...

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 23 16:19:58 UTC 2011

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On 09/22/2011 12:30 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:
> I'm inclined to suggest a WYLUG campaign, since it's basically 
> impossible to borrow+use these e-books without paying the
> Windows/Mac tax ... whatever ebook reader you own

Yes, DRM management is a nasty problem.

The Amazon closed format was not acceptable to me, so I got a Sony which
reads ePUB (PDF is, as far as I know, read by all eReaders).  I buy my
books, so I don't know anything about the library question.  The screen
uses the same eInk as the Kindle, and I've read not a single paper book
since I got it last Christmas - I love it.  I do have the case with the
light, which is useful if you want to read in impossible lighting - I
can never reach the light switch on a plane, for instance.

I have many books which have been free, from Project Gutenburg or
others, but most retailers require you to install Adobe Digital
Editions.  I'm fairly sure that Sony say it isn't necessary, that their
software can handle DRM, but if the retailer has locked it in some way,
that doesn't help.

I've seen some people mention Calibre.  I looked at it, and it does look
good, but haven't had much time to play with it.  There is, I believe,
some instructions on-line for how to get Calibre working with DRM.  I
think the site is called Alf's Blog.

The only other thing I'd say, is don't buy an iRiver Cover Story.  We
knew it was slow, when my husband bought it, but it has a snag much
worse than that.  The books are listed in thumbnail format but you can't
read the titles.  Typically you see the name as "H. Ridger Haggard

Have you any idea how many books called "The...." there are?



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