[Wylug-discuss] Digital scrapbook ideas?

Dave Fisher wylug-discuss at davefisher.co.uk
Tue Jan 10 11:46:56 UTC 2012

There are any number of systems out there for grabbing, tagging and
retrieving casual notes, in fact that's the problem: far too many for
an individual to survey without filtering.

I'm looking for something like a hybrid of post-it style apps and a
portable wiki, i.e. I want to capture 1-line ideas, references, URLs
etc, but I want to be able to review, tag and organise them later
without having to copy and paste stuff from a post-it style app into a

One (of many) use cases would be for constructing writer's notes,
which can then be turned into outlines, for editing into formal texts.

I've been toying with the idea of a personalised version of
TiddlyWiki, since I really like the idea of a server-less portable
wiki, but I'm a bit worried about the scalability of what looks like a
single HTML file + javascript.

My other concern is how to get the more organised/tagged data out of
the database/wiki into something like LaTeX for the writing, without
having to write a lot of new software myself.

Anyone got any thoughts?


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