[Wylug-discuss] Copy files by date

Aaron Crane arc at aaroncrane.co.uk
Wed Jan 25 16:11:02 UTC 2012

Dave Fisher <wylug-discuss at davefisher.co.uk> wrote:
> What's the best way of installing gnu/linux/etc apps on OSX these days?
> By best, I mean: easy to manage/configure with a wide range of up to
> date binaries in the repository

I can't speak to "best" under any criteria, because I've only used
MacPorts.  There are aspects of the MacPorts system that I rather
dislike (including the whole concept of installing packages from
source rather than binaries).  But MacPorts does seem to work well
enough, on the whole.

In the case of GNU coreutils in particular, it's a matter of
installing MacPorts according to the instructions, running `sudo port
install coreutils`, and then (assuming you want the binaries to be
available under the standard names) adding /opt/local/libexec/gnubin
to your $PATH.  (They also get installed to /opt/local/bin, with a "g"
prefix on their names.)  Annoying once, but then you can forget about
it.  Upgrading is done with `sudo port upgrade -u coreutils`; `port
list outdated` shows you (slowly) which packages MacPorts thinks it
can upgrade.

AFAIK, the other choices besides MacPorts are Fink and Homebrew, for
anyone interested in researching them.

Aaron Crane ** http://aaroncrane.co.uk/

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