[Wylug-discuss] Vim on Debian -- British English UTF-8 spell?checking and completion

Smylers Smylers at stripey.com
Tue Jan 31 21:13:35 UTC 2012

Paul Brook writes:

> > > Hmmm ... replacing 'vim-nox' with plain old 'vim' does the trick,
> > > although it's using exactly the same spl files from 'vim-runtime'.
> > 
> > That's just bizarre. I really don't understand how removing X
> > support would also prevent Vim from finding the spelling files!
> Debian has several versions of Vim compiled with different feature
> sets.

Yes. But Dave's error message was from Vim with spelling-checking
support compiled, but unable to find the word list.

Running vim.tiny, which doesn't have spelling-checking compiled in, and
trying to set spelllang doesn't give the error message (it seems to get
silently ignored).

> My guess is vim-nox is one of the smaller subsets,

Mainly it just seems to be missing X, hence the name. It has spelling
checking support; I've just tried it and it works for me.

> The "vim" package Suggests:"vim-scripts", where as "vim-nox" does not.

I don't think that's the difference, cos I don't have vim-scripts
installed and do get spelling checking.

Hence why I still think this is bizarre, and cannot work out how to
reproduce the behaviour Dave was reporting.


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