[Wylug-discuss] [WYLUG-DISCUSS] Stuck with Ubuntu?

james riley jimr1603 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 19:41:03 UTC 2012

After familiarity with ubuntu, debian seemed a safe bet for me. Happy
enough with that on my desktop.

Due to extreme luck over various bits of hardware, the laptop plays
nicely with trisquel. You know, for when IceWeasel is too mainstream.

You're about to get tonnes of suggestions. I'll give a
meta-suggestion. Try all of them. Or at least have a nosy at the
website, see what the people are like, see what the feel of it is.
Installs don't take that long, really. Sometimes an out-the-box
problem with one system will stay with you, and you alone, for ever
with that system.

Certainly for me, I learn a lot more about my system by pressing
buttons until it breaks, then fixing it.

James R

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