[Wylug-discuss] OT: telephone and network system replacement

Anne Wilson cannewilson at googlemail.com
Tue May 15 09:12:09 UTC 2012

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I know that some of you work in this field, and we need to contract
someone to replace an old system.  I'll give an outline here, and if
anyone is interested in doing the work, please contact me off-list.

Around 1990 we installed a telephone system based on a Southwestern
Bell Omnicom exchange.  Over the years, parts of the exchange failed,
and recently DEC phones have been used - but with problems.

One wired extension is in almost constant use, using VOIP numbers, for
home working.

Around 18 years ago I installed cat5 cabling to various rooms.

The various cabling has been messed about over the years and at least
the phone cabling should be completely removed/renewed.

The house in question is very old, so this is not a traditional
system.  We are not averse to the idea of a system based in the attic,
possibly including Asterisk.  What we do need is someone who will
propose a whole project and give us a costing.  It will be necessary
to come out and see the property (near Holmfirth) and meet the family
to discuss needs.

Anyone interested?

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