[Wylug-discuss] Linux program recommendaitons to replace windows programs

Dave Fisher wylug-discuss at davefisher.co.uk
Tue Jul 28 16:01:23 UTC 2015

On 28 July 2015 at 16:39, David Morris <david at david-morris.co.uk> wrote:
> Text editor with syntax highlighting for PHP, Python and C++ coding:
> Windows program I used: Sublime Text
> Linux program recommended: Vim


As a 20+ year vim user, I'm compelled to ask: why not simply carry on
using Sublime Text on Linux?

We use it for Ubuntu-based training courses, and have never yet had a
complaint about it from MacOS or Windows users who've never-knowingly
touched Linux before.

Plus, if you really want to use vim, Sublime Text has a pretty decent
vim mode ... which my finger memory constantly puts me in anyway.


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