[Wylug-discuss] WYLUG meeting and group development

James Holden wylug at jamesholden.net
Tue Jun 30 13:00:19 UTC 2015

On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 04:22:05PM +0100, Darren Menachem Drapkin wrote:
> 1: Is there someone who knows all the on-line facilities we have ?

OTOH we have (owner/contact):

Twitter account (me / @tnash / Andrew Glass)

Wordpress website (Hosted by @johnleach of @brightbox)

Domain name (renewed by me as required)

Mailing lists (hosted by lug.org.uk, moderated by @nmeth and others)

Facebook group with two(!) members (me)

> 2: Perhaps we could allocate a meeting, this months or next months, to 
> re-designing the web site ?

The design isn't a big deal to me, but it could certainly use more content :)

> 3: Perhaps we could advertise that we are still running on some other 

If you wanted to do "proper" advertising, we could run some Facebook ads.
Geotarget to the region, trigger on Linux in interests. Small cost involved but
it's very effective.

Otherwise it'd be an outreach campaign.



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