[Wylug-help] Dodgy Microsoft connections

MikeBanahanmikeb@gbdirect.co.uk MikeBanahanmikeb at gbdirect.co.uk
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 21:08:13 +0100

Not that I'm paranoid, but when our admin booted up the Windows box
to do some invoicing (cries of 'shame') then started IE 5, I found these
dodgy entries in the Squid proxy log.

Note that they are POST operations, i.e. stuff being sent back to Microsoft.

If anyone can shed any light on what they
are doing before I attempt to give this information a greater amount of
daylight, I'd appreciate it. It looks highly suspect to me .. .

964467529.709   3944 TCP_MISS/000 88 POST http://activex.microsoft.com/objects/ocget.dll - DEFAULT_PARENT/kebab.gbdirect.co.uk -
964467530.405    589 TCP_MISS/000 88 POST http://codecs.microsoft.com/isapi/ocget.dll - DEFAULT_PARENT/kebab.gbdirect.co.uk -



Mike Banahan - GBdirect 27 Park Drive Bradford England BD9 4DS
Tel 01274 772277 Fax 01274 772281
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