[Wylug-help] Boot PROMS

MikeBanahanmikeb@gbdirect.co.uk MikeBanahanmikeb at gbdirect.co.uk
Sat, 16 Sep 2000 21:55:42 +0100

I've just been playing with the code from the Linux Terminal Server
Project - it's lovely, I got an X terminal booted up out of scrapbox bits
in minutes. Since I HATE the noise of fans I want to build a few more.

At present it's booting off a floppy, but I would really like to burn
some bootproms for my ethernet cards. Is there anyone in WYLUG-land with
a PROM burner who wouldn't mind helping? I know I could go and buy my own,
but it seems rather an expense to be going to ....

Several pints would be the reward!

Cheers (hic),

Mike Banahan - GBdirect 27 Park Drive Bradford England BD9 4DS
Tel 01274 772277 Fax 01274 772281
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