[Wylug-help] Java online banking ([Wylug-discuss] E-commerce is woeful)

Felix Ulrich-Oltean felix at chaptereight.com
17 Dec 2002 10:49:40 +0000

The e-commerce debate has reminded me that my online banking with the
co-op is not working properly.

It's a Java applet and the GUI seems messed up, e.g:

- you can only see the top half of text in text fields, so some amounts
are unreadable

- some widgets overlap, hiding parts of the form.

- greyed out text is unreadable

I'm using Mandrake 8.2, Mozilla 1.2, libjavaplugin_oji.so from IBM's JRE 1.3.1.

I did download Sun's jre 1.4.1, but that didn't even load the applet.

Any ideas/suggestions or similar experiences?

