[Wylug-help] home networking

Robert Speed (netware) RobS at viclabs.co.uk
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 10:46:00 -0000

The simple answer here is;

If you have a look at the SMB or Samba howto, generally
they're in /usr/share/doc/HOWTOS if you've installed them.

Alternatively, go to google and look up Samba HOWTO
or even go to the UK Samba pages at



On 25 Nov 2002, at 23:39, dawn wrote:

Hi, I'm trying to network two computers together to share files and to
share cable internet access... The modem is connected to a machine
running mainly linux, and the other computer will be running win98. When
both are running win98 we can see and share files from the other
computer, but when the main comp is running linux, i can't see the
windows system and the win system can't c the linux comp...

Are there any newbie friendly tutorials for setting this up so we can
share files and internet, linux-win98? Would it be better to get a cheap
old box and use it as a server/router? A friend is upgrading her comp
soon so i can easily get one... Would the fact that the comp is slow,
slow down the cable connection??

Any pointers towards any idiot proof tutorials would be greatly
appreciated :-)


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