[Wylug-help] Linux CVS problem.

Thomas, Nicholas nick.thomas at eldon.co.uk
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 06:04:54 -0700

Hi all,

I hope someone can help with a CVS issue.

I have an existing module in a CVS repsository which contains many files,
and since the module is several months old it also has several tags.
Today I needed to add a new file to the repository, this I can do with cvs
add command (but I used LinCVS).
The new file has been committed at version 1.1 (so far so good)  but to my
astonishment when I did a cvs status -v the new file had picked up all of
the existing tags
in the repository!!!
I did not issue the tag command.

So, the new file is version 1.1 and it already has loads of tags?

Does anyone know how this could happen? And how to solve the problem?

Any help appreciated.



Nick Thomas
Leading Software Engineer
Eldon Technology Limited
Park House
College Road
West Yorkshire
BD16 4UD
Tel:   +44 1274 568432
Fax:   +44 1274 551561
Email: nick.thomas@eldon.co.uk