[Wylug-help] Cyrus IMAP and authentication

Matthew Palmer mjp16 at ieee.uow.edu.au
Thu Aug 21 04:27:31 BST 2003

On Wed, 20 Aug 2003, Geoff Richards wrote:

> All of which I think should work, but it fails to log in and on the
> server I get this stuff in the logs:
>    Aug 20 13:40:56 ws11 imapd[21630]: unknown password verifier
>    Aug 20 13:40:56 ws11 imapd[21630]: badlogin: tiger.gbdirect.co.uk[] plaintext fred SASL(-4): no mechanism available: checkpass failed

Cyrus IMAP uses SASL to do it's authentication verification.  That's like
"subcontracting" out the password checking.  That error probably means that
you've specified a subcontractor that doesn't exist.

Can't help more than that, I'm afraid, since I don't run Cyrus 2.

- Matt

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